Prevase Stain Skin Prep (Chlor Glu 0.5% 70% DEB) 200ml + 4ml

Code: AH3104560

Prevase® Stain Single use pre-operative skin disinfection prior to minor surgical procedures

• Flexible application to provide complete skin coverage for minor surgery

• Red Staining Solution offers enhanced visualisation of the prepared area

• Alcohol-based chlorhexidine solution to combine rapid efficacy with a persistent and cumulative barrier

• Single use medicinal product providing assurance of safety and efficacy

Application Area & Usage:

This product is applied topically. For single use only. Add the entire contents of the bottle of Red Staining Solution to the Prevase Stain, mix well and use immediately with sterile gauze or cotton wool saturated with the solution. Allow any excess solution to drain off before applying to the skin. Use gentle strokes to prepare the site for 30 seconds, remove any excess liquid and allow to dry naturally for approximately 3 minutes to ensure adequate microbial reduction. When use is to be followed by diathermy do not allow pooling of the fluid to occur and ensure that the skin and surrounding drapes are dry.